Yamaha SY77
Refurbishment and Repair Project
About 18 months, maybe 2 years ago I acquired this Yamaha SY77. It really sounded peachy, but as with many of these Yamaha synthesisers produced at the time there was an issue with the Mitsumi floppy disk drive.
So I put the synth in a box and took it down to storage while I acquired the parts that I needed to fix it. And then other things took priority.
I had just finished another project and decided to get this project through the workshop and get this synthesiser back into full operation.
The Yamaha SY77 was what I consider the natural successor to the Yamaha DX synthesiser line. Released in 1989, this synth and it's big brother the Yamaha SY99 released two years later provided the musician with FM and AWM synthesis.
A series of videos showing how I repair and refurbished my Yamaha SY77.