Yamaha SY85 Synthesiser
The Factory Restore Floppy Disk
Changing the battery on the SY85 will cause it to loose its internal settings. Which in simple terms means the internal voices and performances.
So the advice to anyone that is going to change the battery on the SY85 and the voices and performances that you have loaded / created being important to you is, back them up to disk.
But you get to those instances where for whatever reason you have lost the internal voices and performances and just need to reset every thing back to the way the synthesiser was delivered from the factory.
In this instance you have two choices:
1) Find a copy of a SYSEX file on the internet and I am sure that there are some of these floating about in the user groups.
2) Obtain a copy of the Factory Set disk. Simplest method to restore the SY85 and my personal preference.
Why do I favour the second method over the first. For me it is the simplest way to perform the restore process.
- Put the Factory Disk in the Disk Drive
- Press the utility button and then Disk from the Sub-mode option
- Select the LOAD all option and reload all the Factory sounds
The whole process is done and dusted in under a minute. Whereas the SYSEX re-load requires a computer to be setup, setting up all the MIDI connections, setting up the connection parameters, setting up the synthesiser to receive the data etc... It is just more hassle.
If you are having trouble finding the factory disk I can send you a disk with the factory set on it. The disk will cost you £6 plus postage to wherever you are in the world. And I'll copy the factory set onto the disk. You can contact me using this form: Help I need a disk